
1. Age: Please enter your age:

2. Gender:

3. Please select your highest level of education completed:

4. Please select your employment status:

5. Years of experience: How many years of professional experience do you have?

6. English Proficiency:

Please answer questions 7–11 using a 1–5 scale, where 1 represents ‘not at all’ and 5 represents ‘the highest’.

7. How familiar are you with AI tools?

8. How often do you use AI tools at work?

9. How willing are you to tackle, together with GPT-4o, tasks that are currently beyond your skill set?

10. How willing are you to mobilize resources to tackle tasks that are currently beyond your skill set?

11. AI Trust:

11.1 How willing are you to actively collaborate with a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4o, to make decisions, even if the outcome is uncertain?

11.2 How comfortable are you relying on the contributions of a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4, in making decisions without constant monitoring?

11.3 How open are you to accepting the actions and decisions proposed by a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4, during the decision-making process?

11.4 How at ease do you feel about being exposed to potential risks or vulnerabilities that may arise from jointly taking a decision with a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4?

Please answer the following questions using a 0–10 scale, where 0 represents ‘Cannot do at all’, 5 represents ‘Moderately certain can do’, and 10 represents ‘Certain can do’.

12. Self-Efficacy:

12.1 How well do you think you can do a tactical decision-making task?

12.2 How well do you think you can do a strategic decision-making task?

12.3 How well do you think you can evaluate ideas for a new product?

12.4 How well do you think you can do a task that involves risk and uncertainty?

12.5 How well do you think you can do an ethical decision-making task?

13. Co-Efficacy:

13.1 How well do you think you can do, together with GPT-4o, a tactical decision-making task?

13.2. How well do you think you can do, together with GPT-4o, a strategic decision-making task?

13.3 How well do you think you can evaluate, together with GPT-4o, ideas for a new product?

13.4 How well do you think you can do, together with GPT-4o, a task that involves risk and uncertainty?

13.5 How well do you think you can do, together with GPT-4o, an ethical decision-making task?

14. Please enter your Prolific ID

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