
1. Please provide a brief title or description to your design.

2. Please describe in details the process you used to come up with your design.

3. Please rate the extent to which your design process was top-down (from concept to sketch) or bottom-up (from sketch to concept), where 1 represents “completely bottom-up” and 7 represents “completely top-down.”

Top-down means that you began with a clear concept and worked towards execution while buttom-up means that you discovered the idea as your arranged the parts

4. Please rate the extent to which the idea for the toy came first and guided how you used the shapes, where 1 represents “not at all” (the idea emerged during the process) and 7 represents “very much” (the idea came first and guided the process).

5. Please rate the extent to which you initially tried to make a specific type of toy (e.g., a boat, a doll), where 1 represents “not at all” and 7 represents “very much.”

6. Please describe in details how AI influenced your design process.

Please rate the following items on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 indicates “not at all” and 7 indicates “very much”.

7. Please rate the level of influence of AI on your drawing.

8. Please rate your level of engagement with AI.

9. Please rate the extent to which you perceive AI as contributing to the idea generation versus idea refinement in your design process.
1 means AI was primarily the idea refiner, and 7 means AI was primarily the idea generator.

Please rate the following items on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 indicates “very strongly disagree” and 7 indicates “very strongly agree.” Respond based on your experiences in your work role.

10. I have confidence in my joint abilities with AI to solve problems creatively.

11. I feel that with AI we can overcome creative blocks to generate creative outputs.

12. Together with AI, we have a talent for further refining the ideas of others.

13. Together with AI, we can challenge traditional assumptions to derive innovative solutions.

14. Attention Check (please read carefully):
Select the number ‘3’ to demonstrate your attention to detail.

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