
1. Age: Please enter your age:

2. Gender:

3. Please select your highest level of education completed:

4. Please select your employment status:

5. Years of experience: How many years of professional experience do you have?

6. English Proficiency:

Please answer questions 7–11 using a 1–5 scale, where 1 represents ‘not at all’ and 5 represents ‘the highest’.

7. How familiar are you with AI tools?

8. How often do you use AI tools at work?

9. AI Trust:

9.1 How willing are you to actively collaborate with a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4o, to make decisions, even if the outcome is uncertain?

9.2 How comfortable are you relying on the contributions of a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4, in making decisions without constant monitoring?

9.3 How open are you to accepting the actions and decisions proposed by a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4, during the decision-making process?

9.4 How at ease do you feel about being exposed to potential risks or vulnerabilities that may arise from jointly taking a decision with a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4?

Please answer the following questions using a 0–10 scale, where 0 represents ‘Cannot do at all’, 5 represents ‘Moderately certain can do’, and 10 represents ‘Certain can do’.

10. Self-Efficacy:

10.1 How well do you think you can do a tactical decision-making task?

10.2 How well do you think you can do a strategic decision-making task?

10.3 How well do you think you can evaluate ideas for a new product?

10.4 How well do you think you can do a task that involves risk and uncertainty?

10.5 How well do you think you can do an ethical decision-making task?

11. Co-Efficacy:

11.1 How well do you think you can do, together with GPT-4o, a tactical decision-making task?

11.2. How well do you think you can do, together with GPT-4o, a strategic decision-making task?

11.3 How well do you think you can evaluate, together with GPT-4o, ideas for a new product?

11.4 How well do you think you can do, together with GPT-4o, a task that involves risk and uncertainty?

11.5 How well do you think you can do, together with GPT-4o, an ethical decision-making task?

12. Please enter your Prolific ID

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