
Task-4: Risk & Uncertainty Task

In this task, we would like to understand how you make choices. Consider the following:

1. Please select your choice of preference:

a. 95% chance to win $10,000
b. 100% chance to obtain $9,499

How confident are you in your choice?


2. Please select your choice of preference:

a. 5% chance to win $10,000
b. 100% chance to obtain $501

How confident are you in your choice?


3. Please select your choice of preference:

a. 95% chance to lose $10,000
b. 100% chance to lose $9,499

How confident are you in your choice?


4. Please select your choice of preference:

a. 5% chance to lose $10,000
b. 100% chance to lose $501

How confident are you in your choice?

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